Lash Together To Achieve Goals

Bob Schultek
Bob Schultek

Jerry is CEO of a manufacturing company. They have multiple facilities and he wonders how best to remain engaged with his employees at their various sites. He understands the value of keeping everyone on the team “lashed together” to produce value for customers and to achieve shared company and customer goals.

They decide to initiate a new program based on quarterly roundtable meetings held with departments and at each facility. The personnel at each site choose representatives to participate in these meetings and rotate attendees to maximize the participation experience for all interested employees. Those attending the meeting are responsible for updating their associates following each meeting.

Jerry and his leadership team attend every meeting, take and distribute notes to attendees, and schedule the subsequent meeting before departing.

Each roundtable session begins with a 3-5 minute report of key results and a summation of issues discussed at the prior meeting that have been addressed. These are presented by Jerry or another senior leader. Then the group discusses two topics:  What is working well and what needs to improve?  Issues requiring evaluation prior to resolution are flagged for review at the next meeting.

Following each meeting, Jerry and the other leaders present awards or recognition to specific employees who are scheduled to be honored for superior quality, productivity, initiative, reliability, etc. This is done at break time in front of all facility personnel. This program has produced a 15% productivity increase, a 12% reduction in quality costs and related improved profitability since it was implemented early last year. And, folks express satisfaction that they feel connected and know what’s happening, achieving Jerry’s objective.

How do you remain engaged with your personnel?

How often do you meet with those
who deliver your unique value to customers?

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